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Compact numbers

@vintl/compact-number is a package that allows to properly choose a plural when displaying numbers in compact notation. Previously it was a part of VIntl, however it was removed in v4. This guide will explain how to add it back.

Adding the package

Add the package using package manager of your choice:

npm install @vintl/compact-number
npm install @vintl/compact-number
pnpm add @vintl/compact-number
pnpm add @vintl/compact-number
yarn add @vintl/compact-number
yarn add @vintl/compact-number

Loading locale data

To work, @vintl/compact-number requires certain CLDR data. This data can be added by simply importing @vintl/compact-number/locale-data/[locale].

Loading data for all locales at the same time will not be size efficient. Instead we can use localeload event specifically designed to load locale data:

// src/main.ts

// …

const plugin = createPlugin({
  listen: {
    async localeload(e) {
      switch (e.locale.tag) {
        case 'en-US':
        case 'en-GB':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/en')
        case 'uk':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/uk')
        case 'de':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/de')

      // …
// src/main.ts

// …

const plugin = createPlugin({
  listen: {
    async localeload(e) {
      switch (e.locale.tag) {
        case 'en-US':
        case 'en-GB':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/en')
        case 'uk':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/uk')
        case 'de':
          await import('@vintl/compact-number/locale-data/de')

      // …

If you are using tool like Vite you can shorted this to two lines:

const plugin = createPlugin({
  listen: {
    async localeload(e) {
      const locale = new Intl.Locale(e.locale.tag).minimize().toString()
      await import(

      // …
const plugin = createPlugin({
  listen: {
    async localeload(e) {
      const locale = new Intl.Locale(e.locale.tag).minimize().toString()
      await import(

      // …

Creating a plugin

To connect everything together, we need to write a simple plugin that will reactively create a formatter for the active IntlShape and allow us to retrieve and use it through a composable.

Most getters of IntlController are in fact reactive, so they will subscribe us for updates if we are in reactive scope. Therefore we can simply use computed and create formatter inside it using IntlShape acquired through getter controller.intl.

// src/plugins/compact-numbers.ts
import { createFormatter, Formatter } from '@vintl/compact-number'
import { IntlController } from '@vintl/vintl/controller'
import { inject, computed, InjectionKey, ComputedRef, Plugin } from 'vue'

const key: InjectionKey<ComputedRef<Formatter>> = Symbol('compactNumber')

export const plugin: Plugin<IntlController<any>> = (app, controller) => {
  const formatter = computed(() => createFormatter(controller.intl))
  app.provide(key, formatter)
// src/plugins/compact-numbers.ts
import { createFormatter, Formatter } from '@vintl/compact-number'
import { IntlController } from '@vintl/vintl/controller'
import { inject, computed, InjectionKey, ComputedRef, Plugin } from 'vue'

const key: InjectionKey<ComputedRef<Formatter>> = Symbol('compactNumber')

export const plugin: Plugin<IntlController<any>> = (app, controller) => {
  const formatter = computed(() => createFormatter(controller.intl))
  app.provide(key, formatter)

And then we'll implement the composable, in which we inject the value for the key we provided app-wide, and then create a function to forward all calls to the current value of our computed reference.

export function useCompactNumbers(): Formatter {
  const formatter = inject(key)

  if (formatter == null) throw new Error('Formatter is not initialised')

  return (...args) => formatter.value.apply(undefined, args)
export function useCompactNumbers(): Formatter {
  const formatter = inject(key)

  if (formatter == null) throw new Error('Formatter is not initialised')

  return (...args) => formatter.value.apply(undefined, args)

Install the plugin

Install the plugin using app.use, it will call our plugin install function with the argument that we pass to app.use call, which should be our controller.

// src/main.ts
// …
import { plugin as compactNumbersPlugin } from './plugins/compact-numbers.js' 
// …

await controller.waitUntilReady()


app.use(compactNumbersPlugin, controller) 

// …
// src/main.ts
// …
import { plugin as compactNumbersPlugin } from './plugins/compact-numbers.js' 
// …

await controller.waitUntilReady()


app.use(compactNumbersPlugin, controller) 

// …

Using compact numbers

Now we can use useCompactNumbers composable in our setup script and then use its return value to format any number:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { defineMessage } from '@formatjs/intl'
import { useI18n } from '@vintl/vintl'
import { useCompactNumbers } from '../plugins/compact-numbers.js' 

const count = ref(0)

const { formatMessage } = useI18n()

const compactNumber = useCompactNumbers() 

const userCount = defineMessage({
  id: 'example.user-count',
  defaultMessage: '{count, plural, one {{count} user} other {{count} users}}',
  description: 'Do not use pound element (#) in plural clauses!',

  <h1>{{ formatMessage(userCount, { count: compactNumber(count) }) }}</h1> 
    <button type="button" @click="count -= 100">-100</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count -= 1">-1</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count += 1">+1</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count += 100">+100</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count = 0">Clear</button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { defineMessage } from '@formatjs/intl'
import { useI18n } from '@vintl/vintl'
import { useCompactNumbers } from '../plugins/compact-numbers.js' 

const count = ref(0)

const { formatMessage } = useI18n()

const compactNumber = useCompactNumbers() 

const userCount = defineMessage({
  id: 'example.user-count',
  defaultMessage: '{count, plural, one {{count} user} other {{count} users}}',
  description: 'Do not use pound element (#) in plural clauses!',

  <h1>{{ formatMessage(userCount, { count: compactNumber(count) }) }}</h1> 
    <button type="button" @click="count -= 100">-100</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count -= 1">-1</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count += 1">+1</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count += 100">+100</button>
    <button type="button" @click="count = 0">Clear</button>

Click the +100 button at least 10 times, and it should change to 1K.

Released under the MIT Licence.